Artwizz SeeJacket Alu for iPhone 4
I’ve searched for a really effective protection for my new iPhone 4 that wouldn’t look outright awful. Artwizz SeeJacket Alu comes quite close. It’s a thin aluminium shell with a silicone insert that also provides a raised edge around the iPhone’s display. It looks very similar to Marware MicroShell (I have tried both on), but provides much better protection and a slightly better grip for the same money.
The good:
- it weighs only 25 grams,
- silicone and aluminium should provide better protection than silicone or plastic alone, only the display is not covered,
- it looks inconspicuous, doesn’t carry any logos or text,
- protruding silicone ridges provide better grip,
- it slips quite easily in your pocket.
The bad:
- the silicone ridge attracts debris, but it is actually less visible then on the photos (click below to see them full-size),
- it does not look as elegant as the naked iPhone, on the other hand, it will certainly attract less attention.
The pictures:
Note: On the product’s web site there actually is a little logo on the back of the shell. I think that mine has completely worn out after the few weeks, but I can’t really remember if it was there in the beginning.
Pro české čtenáře: Pouzdro jsem koupil od Cables & Simms za 588 Kč s DPH. Měl jsem možnost vyzkoušet toto pouzdro i vzhledově podobné, ale plastové, Marware MicroShell (528 Kč s DPH). Na pohled kupodivu není poznat, že jedno je plastové a druhé hliníkové, dokonce i barvy (na fotkách odlišné) jsou v případě “černého” pouzdra od Marware a antracitového od ArtWizzu velmi blízké.