Notes on Kanji

Notes for myself to make some characters easier to remember.

遣 つか・う/わす ケン

Easily confused with 遺 (e.g. 遺産), which has almost the same outward shape, or perhaps also 追 (e.g. 追加).

The ケン on’yomi is used almost exclusively in 派遣.

The phonetic component 𠳋 does not seem to be used much elsewhere, but it is apparently related to 官 (カン). The lower part of it represents a wrapped object (“preserved meat for a military expedition”, says 新漢語林), the upper part represents two hands handling it. (Cf. 遺, where the phonetic is 貴, which could be analyzed in a similar way, but instead of a vague wrapped object, there’s a cowrie shell 貝, representing money or valuables. Cf. 追 where the phonetic either is thought to represent meat offered to gods (says 新漢語林) or just a pile of objects.)

派遣, which is most often used as a verb 派遣する: to send, dispatch (someone oficially to fulfil a mission), also as a stand-alone noun or in compounds: 派遣会社, 派遣先, 派遣社員, 派遣労働(者), 派遣事業, etc.

Most common objects of the verb 派遣する:

析 セキ: see 訴

訴 うった・える ソ

May be confused with: 析 (分析), 斥 (排斥), both of which are read セキ. This one is ソ.

This has nothing to do with the historical development, but might help:

掃(除), (夫)婦, 帰(国)

Same “phonetic”, entirely different reading (ソウ, フ, キ).

酸 サン (e.g. 酸素)

The same phonetic is in 示唆・唆す、俊才、駿才 and the readings kind of similar (サ, シュン)

Different from 窓・総(ソウ)

宣 セン

I keep forgetting the upper line and pronunciation. The pronunciation is easy (just think of 宣伝, 宣言.)

The phonetic 亘 means “to extend (from one point to another)”, so it has two lines: both above and below the circular symbol 日 (as a standalone character it could be read わた・る, now it’s obsolete and used mostly in names). That said, as a phonetic 亘 is not very useful one (恒例の恒 reads コウ, while 石垣の垣 あis almost always read in kun’yomi かき), but one could see its meaning reflected in all three characters (宣, 恒 and 垣). Don’t confuse with 旦 (タン, 一旦), which has only one line and represents “sun rising over horizon”.

朝, 幹, 乾, 韓 (also in less common characters: 書翰の翰、斡旋の斡)

All three have the same left component, a phonetic カン (at least in 幹, 乾, 韓), “(sun) rising high”. In all of them the radical is somewhere in the right part, but it’s not difficult to connect them with the image of a sun rising high. (I sometimes write 車 instead, which is often a radical and a represents a very different concept of course.)

請 こ・う、う・ける セイ、シン

Two on’yomi, two kun’yomi:

泉・線・腺 [せん]、原・源 [ゲン]・願 [ガン] 、綿 [メン]・錦 [キン]

I often do a mistake in the part below 白 (水・小・巾). Follow these rules:



病床に臥す 監 カン oversee 鑑 カン specimen, learn from (金) 覧 ラン み・る perusal, see ご覧 (見) 臨 リン のぞ・む look to, face, meet, attend (品) 臥床




唱える 冒険